When you can't do it alone!
This Is How Our Story Began

In 1984, there was no Fray Family organization, but there were 5 teenagers between the ages 14 and 19 that were very tight, close knit siblings. They were raised to think of others first always and no matter what they had or didn’t have, others needed more help than them. Coming from the city of Toronto and moving to a rural area in 1975, they were exposed to another way of living other than inside the city and growing up on a 200 acres farm allowed them to experience life a lot different than kids in the urban cities. The idea of raising their families together as adults was one of their goals but as daily life gets thrown at them, they all are pulled in different directions with their own immediate families. There was one thing that kept them together as a family, music. Their love for music as a family started at church and extended into a large part of each of their adult lives. Since the middle of the 1980’s, the fray family has been involved with the music community not just in Canada but around the world. (SELECTIONS - R&B/GOSPEL recording group from 1986 - present)
The family not only were successful musicians but they felt the need to give back to their community as they were taught growing up. Jeremy Fray, with his wife, gave up his home and belongings and spent a year on the streets of Toronto to help the homeless, learn about their needs and advocate for their survival. Margaret Fray-Smith chose to open up her home to countless impoverished, underprivileged youth who were thrown into a government system that did not look out for their best interest. Margaret also adopted some of the kids to make sure they would all stay together as siblings and not be spread out in different homes around the province. Cameron Fray, started multiple choirs for youth to get them off the streets. He was an advocate for fatherless kids and the need to have fathers be with their children. Cedric Fray Jr was an activist for our underserved community and loved to give back to our community by sharing his talent in music.
Sadly and unfortunately, Jeremy Fray passed away in December 2008 at the age of 42. Cameron Fray passed away in 2017 at the age of 47 Margaret Fray-Smith passed away in 2019 at the age of 54 and now Cedric Fray Jr passed away on December 11th 2022.
Tim Fray took a look at what the family legacy was and saw a need to give back more of his time and resources to underprivileged young people. “What are we leaving behind for our young people?” was a question Tim had after the death of Cameron and upon learning that his only sister was riddled with cancer. Tim took a quick detour to Bermuda in 2018 after his brother in christ, Steve Easton died of health issues. Steve’s death further cemented Tim’s belief that giving back more and paying it forward to the youth is imperative.
One of the programs from the Fray Family Foundation was born. The SIX Element Music Group. An artist development program that helps artists with every aspect of their growth through their VISION, FOUNDATION, COMMITMENT, PASSION, TEAM and PERFORMANCE. As the program was developed, we wanted to also help the grade school kids have the opportunity to work through school with the help of the right tools and decided to launch BackPack Love Fund, a program to provide Backpacks filled with school supplies for underprivileged kids. Our 'Ron Brandt' Music Development Fund program also provides artists with monetary assistance for their projects, i.e. studio recording time, digital marketing, touring showcases. Quarterly applicants are chosen and rewarded with the funds for their projects.
Fray Family Foundation is a part of the Collective Music Nation, One Voice, Strength in Unity, and we believe that when you can’t do it alone, someone with a helping hand needs to believe in you and show support not only in words but action.
Fray Family Foundation